Friday, January 28, 2011


yeah that time of the week again.. Hubbs is busy with his releases.. and getting all worked up.. then he realizes that all the stuff he reads and tells me to apply, he can apply to himself too..
the time space continuum.. When you step back from the small problems in the bigger time picture or bigger space picture, they are not really that important to cause so much stress..!!

Had my appointment with the PCP today.. so a bit doped up on Valium... It takes some effort to get to the hospital. I should probably move the PCP to the new UW family clinic 2 blocks from home!

Thats the good part about living in downtown. Everything within 5 blocks.!

I remember when Vivek had his knee surgery in Oct 2009 and was not driving for a week and I needed some stuff on the 4th day. I was so tired, I was sleep walking and the stress and the tiredness meant I couldnt have driven a car without risking a dizzy spell. But I walked 4 blocks and found a Rite Aid!
Seems like that was a different life..

1 comment:

  1. it is called pilgrim perspective.
