Saturday, January 24, 2009

Puppy Mills..A Sad day for the state of washington

Sad week or month is more like it. The puppy mill raids are on the news everywhere. The number of rescued dogs increasing by 100s with every article. And no arrests for the very cruel and evil owners of the business.

Some years back i would have been too enraged and opinionated about it. Seems like maturity has finally set in. It is a very appalling and depressing situation. But sh** like this is everywhere. So instead of getting pained and depressed about it, i have decided to help out. I cannot physically help them out right now, but will surely do when i can. So monetary help it is. And raising awareness it is.

If you happen upon this blog, please do checkout the stop puppy mill site to know more about what exactly goes on in one.

"Puppy mills are mass dog-breeding operations. These canine breeding facilities house dogs in shockingly poor conditions.

Life is particularly bad for "breeding stock," dogs who live their entire lives in crammed cages and are continually bred for years, without human companionship and with little hope of ever becoming part of a family. These dogs receive little or no veterinary care and never see a bed, a treat or a toy. After their fertility wanes, breeding animals are commonly killed, abandoned or sold to another mill. The annual result of all this breeding is hundreds of thousands of puppies, many with behavior and/or health problems."

Also read about the recent raids in the state and how you can help save these very sad eyed dogs.

Let us pray together for a little less cruelty and evil in this world.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

20 pounds in 6 months!

The mantra: Eat often and eat less per meal. And of course exercise.

My first tussle with weight happened in 2004 in Chicago. I was working long hours, eating bad and partying hard. And one fine day i realized that i had a bunch of pounds in all the wrong places and i need new clothes. Add to it the fact that i was probably going to have a wedding sometime in 2005. Snap... Thus started the same old American problem and solution game of trying to shed them pounds. That year i hit the gym hard and daily and tried to eat healthy!. My personal trainer helped me to find the right direction. 

Things worked fine and i got healthy but i lost only half of the weight i wanted to. Because the rest of it got converted to muscle. Hmm.. but that wasnt the lean mean look i always had eh.. And all those lost pounds anyway came back with all that food at the wedding!

Cut to 2007. I cant exercise much.. much is also too much a word for it. Plus i am weak and perennially hungry. So add on all u got!. Hit 2008 and i needed a complete new closet and i wasnt feeling very good about it. But this time i couldnt hit the gym and had to take everything very slow.

So i decided on my mantra : Eat often and eat less per meal. I added another small meal between lunch and dinner. So my meals look like breakfast, brunch sometimes, lunch, snack, tea time, dinner. It is difficult to suddenly reduce the quantity if food per meal coz it feels like you are starving. It is a slow process to reduce little amounts over a number of days.

I also started walking more with Chewie. And slowly over the months i did see some change. Finally, it was 20 gone! 

This post is just a reminder to myself that things always work out in one way or the other and i should not fret over them!